Take part in our activities

Trail for the ocean

The Trail for the Ocean is a 16-mile long trail and with nearly 3280 ft of elevation gain that takes place in Crozon, Brittany France. We run it every year during the World Ocean Day. Three months later we row the way back on board Polynesian boats VA’A.

We activate our crowdfunding campaign in between these two events.. The donations are then distributed to charitable organizations such as Fondation Tara, Iodysséus, Un Enfant Un Avenir…

Our trails and crowdfunfing campaigns

Every year The Trail for the Ocean is the backbone our crowdfunding campaigns The donations are then distributed to charitable organizations that protect the ocean.

Trail 2023

Trail 2023 2 new activities for this edition: nordic walking...

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Our kayak outings bring us closer to the sea and help us realize how polluted our ocean is. Our events are open to the public at large and companies alike.

Articles about our kayak outings to come

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Beach cleaning

Every year, in Brittany, together with the Credit Agricole bank we organise pollution awareness days. We all take part in this pollution that ends up in the ocean. We row to beaches closed to pedestrians where the unseen pollution is.

Articles about our depollution outings to come

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Diary and events

Activity form

Formulaire de participation (EN)
Tell us how many people you are ; Which activity you would like to participate in and on which day ; If you have any particular comments or questions...